Why People Consider Clay Tiles As A Superior Material For Wall Cladding?

Clay tiles are one of the oldest and most widely used traditional materials for construction and are trusted by many.  Whether it is about building a new commercial/residential building or just renovating an old one, it is vital to choose the bestclay tile supplier to get top quality tiles that can be used in any case and anywhere.

When you need to select a material for your home’s exterior wall claddings, clay tile is the most preferred option out of all others. Opposing other wall cladding materials, clay tile offers unbeatable advantages which are described as follows.

Fire resistance

Here, fire resistance simply means the time duration till which the material on your home wall can prevent a fire that is entirely developed. Without any doubt, clay tile is the most trusted walling material that ensures complete protection to the residents against the fire and hence it brings peace of mind.

Moist Control Feature

While satisfying the growing demands for trendy materials, builders have started following construction methods that brought results as tight walls which are sealed against air filtration and extremely insulated. These tighter walls are unable to control the moisture level and hence results in corrosion, insect infestation, and increased mold growth. Perhaps, clay tiles are the best solution to this problem. It is capable of controlling the moisture better than any other kind of materials used for wall cladding.

Thermal Protection

Tiles bought from the best clay tile supplier in Australia are a standout amongst other energy efficient materials that one can utilize in their homes. Opposing concrete based cladding systems clay tiles provide better thermal protection. They absorb and release warmth gradually, along these lines, keeping the house cool while the sun is up and warm after dark. This results in considerable savings on power bills.

Acoustic insulation

In view of their thick structure, clay tiles go about as an extraordinary sound cover. The thickness and density of these tiles lessen acoustic transmission and redirects sound from streets, adjacent homes, and even airplanes. Generally, the acoustic protection of these tiles are as 45 decibels for 4.5 inches thickness, 50 decibels for 9 inches and the frequency range starts from around 200 to no less than 2,000 Hz.


Because of its natural characteristic, clay tiles tend to last literally for a long time. Various old and renowned architectural marvels that are totally built of clay tiles are still standing strongly and proudly. These tiles ensure the manufacturers that their structures will last more and thusly builds the financial value also.

No maintenance cost

Opposing other materials, clay tiles require the least maintenance and some other kind of expenses. Furthermore, they also prevent from spoiling, wrapping, fading, denting, peeling, rusting, and termites. In this manner, the proprietors don't need to stress over anything and don't need to put any sort of additional efforts to keep up their properties.

However, all the above-mentioned advantages can only be obtained if you get top quality tiles from the best clay tile supplier.

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